
Immigration news, from Chicago’s neighborhoods to America’s borders, including legal, political and humanitarian coverage.

La Agencia de Protección Ambiental de Illinois comenzó a revisar el reporte de casi 800 páginas preparado por un consultor de la Municipalidad durante el fin de semana.
Venezuelan refugee students add to the diverse mix at Sullivan High School.
The case — filed by several regular protesters at the Southwest Side — was dismissed because construction was already paused by the state.
Construction was halted Sunday pending an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency review of a nearly 800-page city consultant’s study that was released Friday night.
El viernes por la noche, el Ayuntamiento publicó el reporte que encontró que en la propiedad había varios metales pesados y productos químicos tóxicos.
Don’t be fooled by the mayor’s winning smile and soaring, preacher’s son rhetoric, nor by the governor’s make-nice statements from the podium. There is real frustration and tension behind the scenes on both sides.
We rejected Donald Trump’s xenophobia in 2016 and 2020, and Chicago must reject it now as the presidential election and Democratic National Convention approach in 2024, state Sen. Robert Peters writes.
Another $2 million will be matched by the Chicago Food Depository, which has already been providing meals to migrants since June, in partnership with 15 minority-owned restaurants in Chicago.
El portavoz del alcalde dijo que la mitigación de los contaminantes en el terreno se completaría para el fin de la semana.
Plans to turn the West Side park field house into a migrant shelter have been abandoned as the number of migrants camped out at police stations has dropped, Ald. Chris Taliaferro said.
The tents are expected to be completed in a matter of days and will house 500 migrants at first.
Derogar la ordenanza no impediría que los migrantes lleguen a Chicago, y el debate sobre la ordenanza ha empeorado las tensiones raciales.
Migrants will be housed in local churches until they find housing. It will reach 100 migrants immediately and 340 in total. More than 1,000 migrants remain at police stations.
A repeal would not stop migrants from arriving in Chicago, and the debate over the ordinance has worsened tensions between Black and Brown communities.
The city’s tactics seem like another page out of this administration’s handbook: stonewalling the public and elected officials while saying as little as possible.
Taking advantage of a slowing number of buses arriving in Chicago and with an eye toward winter, the city is retooling its approach to welcoming migrants, aiming to soon empty all police stations.
A contractor is expected to begin the final phase of construction over the objections of Ald. Julia Ramirez (12th) at a site where heavy metal contamination was found.
El alcalde Brandon Johnson sigue adelante con sus planes de albergar hasta 2,000 solicitantes de asilo a pesar de las protestas de la comunidad del lado suroeste.
The Portage Park school closed this year and is expected to house up to 350 people starting as early as mid-January.
With all the Catholic school and parish consolidations, these buildings could be retrofitted for migrants, a suburban reader writes.
The plan was slapdash and slipshod from the start. Clearly, it’s a bad idea to house migrants, including children, on contaminated land.
The decision follows the city’s release of an environmental report Friday that showed the location at 38th Street and California Avenue required metals and chemicals cleanup.
El Departamento de Servicios Humanos dijo que el estado intervino mientras la Ciudad de Chicago continúa buscando vendedores de alimentos adicionales.
“Sacaron a los migrantes de las comisarías y los llevaron a los refugios, así que estamos averiguando dónde están y también iremos allí”, dijo el chef.
Native Americans started it all, making Chicago a welcoming place to “DuSables” of all colors, creeds, orientations and socio-economic backgrounds, Buildings Commissioner Matthew W. Beaudet writes.
Organizations offer free meals, a dinner table and a ‘family’ environment for those who need it. Arepas were a top choice at one spot. ‘I’m feeling the warmth’ a guest said.
Migrants staying with West Side families show appreciation for all the help they have received on the journey to Chicago.
For many, the blessing is simply being here. They had a long journey and faced untold hardships to request asylum in America, the executive director of New Life Centers writes.