Letters to the Editor

Submissions from Chicago Sun-Times readers weighing in on issues facing the city and its residents.

Let’s start by telling migrants the truth about the situation they will face here. Officials should make it easier for those who want to leave the U.S. and go back home to do so.
Having to stand before a judge and explain why a child is not regularly attending school is a great deterrent to chronic school absenteeism, a retired police officer writes.
The first-ever national caregiving strategy is a roadmap to support unpaid family caregivers, the executive director of the Illinois Family Caregiver Coalition writes.
Those who pursue elected office do so to serve the public and, in the case of many Latinos, to be a voice for underrepresented communities — at a considerable personal cost, the leader of a nonprofit writes.
Even prestigious schools like Northside College Prep and Payton College Prep have unacceptable chronic absenteeism of 25%, according to the Illinois Report Card.
So many of us will rise on Thanksgiving morning in our safe and warm homes, not in a tent, or on a sidewalk, or picking our way through the rubble and debris of war.
Integrating artificial intelligence and data analytics into traffic management systems will make everyone safer, a tech executive writes.
Last year, the AMA rightfully issued a strongly worded statement in response to the Russian military targeting health care facilities in Ukraine. A similar statement should be issued regarding Palestinians in Gaza.
It will take a diverse, durable coalition of policymakers willing to take the actions necessary to drive toward a cleaner, more equitable future, leaders of ComEd and HIRE360 write.
Fossil fuels pollute to the tune of hundreds of billions in health care costs and swipe an average of two years of life expectancy from each of us, a reader from Los Angeles says.
U.S. Rep. Sean Casten, a Democrat, and Republican U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett have introduced legislation to increase the amount educators can deduct from $250 to $1,000.
A law from 2022 helps consumers by requiring automakers to properly fund warranty repair service provided by technicians at auto dealerships.
This proposal to cut funds aimed at catching tax cheats echoes the Trump-Republican tax cuts that included the largest corporate tax cut in U.S. history, a suburban writer points out.
Because the environment of a public school in an under-resourced neighborhood does not engage the minds of students, those who do enroll in college struggle, a former CPS student writes.
Determining that a patrol officer be punished severely, but short of losing his livelihood and career, for an allegation not clearly proven but highly circumstantial, is the kind of judgment indicative of true leadership.
Some of our most powerful and influential legislators have been quiet on this issue, and we know why, a letter writer says. They are influenced by the unions, a mom from Austin writes.
In 2014, Chicago Cubs owners began a renovation of Wrigley Field costing upward of $500 million, far less than the $800 million for Northwestern’s proposed new stadium.
The tax break would come at the expense of other property owners, who already are “overburdened,” according to a 2020 report from county Treasurer Maria Pappas.
These facilities offer more than life-saving interventions; they provide life-changing ones, through services including medical and mental health care referrals, housing assistance and substance use treatment
“Forces of Pullman Labor” by Bernard Williams depicts Pullman’s labor history, a librarian writes.
Copies of Tonti’s journals are available in the Library of Congress and the Newberry Library. Tonti even had a Chicago Public School named after him, but it has since been renamed to reflect the Hispanic majority in the Southwest Side neighborhood.
Coats and other winter gear are critical to children’s health and can help them remain engaged in school, a bank executive and a nonprofit leader say about their partnership to help kids who need winter clothing.
One of the words I have not heard to describe migrants — but is a more accurate than the negative portrayals — is “families.”
Statistics show that ice hockey has more concussion injuries at the youth level based on athletic exposures, a reader says.
Drivers diminish quality of life for others when they operate modified muffler systems and window-shaking sound systems in neighborhoods.
Currently, the CTA only allows small pets inside a closed travel carrier. Alas, many dogs, like my 30-pound Doris, do not fit in a travel carrier. They would be barred.
How much more can prices increase, a reader asks. It’s going to hurt servers because tips will diminish or stop.
As pillars of the Chicago performing arts community, the partnership between the Joffrey and the Lyric Opera House has blossomed into something truly inspiring for our city, writes former mayor Emanuel, now the ambassador to Japan.
Good thing Gov. J.B. Pritzker vetoed the legislation Aug. 11, but now the Health Care Council wants the Illinois House and Senate to override the governor’s veto.