Dear Abby

Abigail Van Buren’s daily relationship advice column.

Her marriage ended after she was caught cheating, and most of her five adult children gave up on having a mother years ago.
Unable to perform well sexually, man is sympathetic when his wife asks if she can get some action on the side.
Readers respond to loyal flip phone user who resists an upgrade that would make it easier to do business with doctors, banks and other providers.
He was wrong when he advised parking in a lot that turned out to be off-limits.
Widow, now seeing another man, is ready to stop inviting one pair of former in-laws to be houseguests.
His 2 a.m. social calls are disruptive, but otherwise the guy hasn’t done anything wrong.
Man doesn’t think he’ll ever get over her recent confession of two infidelities more than 20 years ago.
There have been so many tall tales about her parents, siblings, etc., that some believe she needs medication.
Woman worries as 13-year-old daughter decides to bring a friend partial to provocative attire.
Offered help with her child’s school pickup, she starts requesting rides for herself without offering any gas money.
They’re expecting a bounty of household items they won’t be able to fit in their love nest — a spare bedroom in the home of the groom’s mom.
Man doesn’t know a polite way to extricate himself from the monologue.
Man is frustrated that she wants to attend a big concert with her son instead of him.
She’s driving everyone out of his life by berating him and ordering him around.
She continues to insist her son’s dad was her late husband, but tests indicate he was the result of an affair.
The couple used to go everywhere together, but lately the man has been putting his friends first and snapping at his girlfriend.
Couple has no savings and owes money on credit cards, while the man holds on to more than $10,000 worth of items he never touches, and his wife worries about the future.
Man accused of being rude by refusing to dine at the place preferred by father-in-law who has different political views.
The deceased’s brother, who is handling his affairs, gets a spiel at a family lunch for a agent who handles estate sales. He doesn’t mind but his wife is offended.
For nine months, the rude woman hasn’t responded with so much as a smile.
There’s no response to texts three months after the uncomfortable vacation.
Reader doesn’t want a roommate but worries about the safety and living conditions of friend living in a car.
All her other siblings were there as she tied the knot with a famous athlete.
Athlete’s father insists on offering free game tickets to his friends, creating an inconvenience for the family members who are supposed to get the seats.
She’s expecting guests to attend for several days and spend at least $500 each on the lodging.
The Center for American War Letters has been collecting and preserving correspondence for 25 years.
After she was caught flirting with the guy, they cut off communications, but now they’re back to messaging and husband considers it a threat to the marriage.
All they’re getting for Christmas are booklets on how to write notes of gratitude.
In some cases, seeing what happened might be the proof a skeptical person needs of the effects of drugs, alcohol, dementia or Alzheimer’s.